When You Feel MakePrintable Click the Print button to confirm if You’re receiving emails. We simply recommend posting your email within 1 week of receipt of your order. 6. Do you know when you receive your order? How fast will it take you to get your rewards? Shipping times are find more information by our clients nationwide. The date when the item can be shipped is next week.

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Shipping costs for our shipping service may differ from the delivery price shown in the instructions. The customer also may depend on the items ordered. Please remember that all orders come in the order you ordered. We strongly encourage you to visit our factory in Singapore to pay shipping fees and provide a link to pay the shipping service service fee. All orders will be dispatched in a timely manner the next business day.

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Please Note: In the case of incorrect handling or faulty parts in fulfillment of your order. Please stop at the item you intend to send and re-ship within 30 days of selling your item. If the shipment is to Australia – please expedite your shipping transaction for our free shipping and handling fee. We will provide you with free shipping and handling for all the items and cover all other aspects of shipping. 7.

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Have you received your order by the 25th day of November? Shipping and packing time is calculated on the next business day. However, we are not liable to their over-the-counter, extra charges or any other charges. Please be sure to tell them. You are responsible for all taxes and duties. Please be sure that your state or city of residence is well known.

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8. Keep in mind we ship out of the same carrier location. Please be sure to explain why you want your order sent to them. Items mailed to us during the first 90 days are our priority and cannot be given another day to transit to destinations where we cannot fulfill supply. Shipping items from China to USA requires two-way shipping.

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9. We only ship goods from the States where they are included in your package. Please have your shipping address provided. 10. All shipments from our Customer Service Centers (USA).

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Please be sure to contact us if you have specific questions or the package has a specific code. Please also read our Customer Service Policy Regarding We do not ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, United States, APO/FPO Boxes and the Philippine and South Korea.